Poulshot, Devizes, Wiltshire | Tel: 01380 828141 | office@townsendbarnnursery.co.uk

Mobile / WhatsApp - 07447 801771
Healthy Eating is paramount at Townsend Barn Nursery. Not only is it about which foods are placed on the plate - it is also an important happy social time where skills can be developed and new foods explored.
The children help grow their own seasonable vegetables.
If you are able to provide a letter or certificate from your doctor or dietician, we can take into consideration special dietary needs.
Weaning is supported.
Breakfast is available from 8am - 8.30am, which comprises of toast,
cereal and fruit.
A mid morning fruit / warm snack is served at 10am
A hot lunch is served at 12 noon, with a pudding to follow
Afternoon snack is served at 2pm, consisting of fruit and crackers
Afternoon tea is served at 4.10pm
The cost of all meals per day is £6.45
The cost of meals for a half day is £4.75
Click the links below to download a sample menu.